During Nikita Khrushchev leadership, he told the World he would destroy American from with in. Many knew it was impossible to defeat America in a War.
Shortly there after in 1953 released 40,000 soviets per month out into the west. These would be harden Atheist, mostly Jewish identity Bolsheviks communist.
In less that 10 years they had made great strides in America and in 1963 Christian Prayer was removed from Schools. Later the Pledge Allegiance, in 1973 abortion for bady parts was not legal but the ground work was established, there after the Whipping became relentless and emboldened.
Today their voice is Powerful, very Very Powerful! Congress, courts, preachers, teachers, all take their fall in line orders from the dominated Jewish American TV industry, most Amercans are scared, intimidated, weeken and powerless, as all Americans. They are scared
It a real Boogy msn, a strong STRONG VERY STRONG MAN!
I have said they aim to destroy you, Your family, Your state anything you love, history, heritage, honor. These former seeds of the Bolsheviks Soviet Supreme Party have one spirit and it is HATE YOU! Hate guns less they own them, hate free speech, hate that you would ever better yourself or challenge anything the Supreme from GOD. Which is why knuckleheadDr. Savage has been talking loaded and coded crap
Which is why SPLC a Jewish 501c3 has never hired a black lawyer nor served souther poverty but has $150,000,000 in a off shore account.
Now they ask, why are you not harder on these people's Alarming plans to hurts us Stephen Dale? And i will tell you i am not sure when but I will to have a big microphone and I will do a better job not allowing those Supremacists Future Christian killers to continue to whip us as we are beast or thieves. For we are not Sub human, nor beast or thieves but one who has been stooged, fooled, mis-lead by hugely successful misinformation campaign from non-gentile media, from many non gentile government departments & outlets by the Elites, but not the elect, to the goy gentile. latest 2019 prom party wears in tea length
Be not the elect fooled by elites.
And asked your Congressman or Senator do some people make you unbalance a balanced scale, maybe intimidated you, or say we can financial defeat your next campaign if you piss us off and not continue to kiss our ass!